Track & Field

Coach Juan Carlos Beltran
Cell: 910 554-0199

Coach David J Morgan
Work #: 727 774 7392
Cell #: 727 858 4216


Thank you for your interest in participating on the Track team. Parents, it is important that your son or daughter attend all regular season practices and as much preseason conditioning as possible. Please contact us as soon as possible if they will not be attending. A simple text message is fine.

Communication – The best way for us to get messages out to all the team members is using a program called “Remind”. Athletes and parents should sign up to receive text or email alerts from me. To register for the River Ridge Track Team 2021 Remind alerts simply text @k96fg4 to the following phone # 81010.

All athletes must have a current physical, participation and consent/release forms to include the Covid Waiver form turned in to us before you can participate in practice.

Pasco Co and RRHS Guideline for High School Athletics – Any person with positive symptoms will not be permitted to take part in training sessions and should contact his or her primary care provider or other appropriate health-care professional

Guidelines for Students

  • Student should provide their own water and snacks.
  • Students should provide and use their own gear or supplies including hand sanitizer.
  • Students should wear their own appropriate workout clothing (do not share clothing), and individual clothing/towels should be washed and cleaned after every workout immediately upon returning home.
  • Hand sanitizer should be plentiful at all meets and practices.
  • Athletes should inform coaches immediately when they are not feeling well.
  • Cloth face coverings required when not actively participating in events and during photos.

Considerations for Parents

  • Make sure your child and immediate household members are without symptoms of from illness before participating in practice and competition (if there is doubt stay home).
  • Provide personal items for your child and clearly label them.
  • Make sure your child has all their athletic forms prior to participating in any school organized conditioning and/or practices…Physical, Liability forms, notarized doc, etc..
  • Please ensure your child is on time and picked up immediately at the end of practice. Parents are not allowed to watch practice or pick up their athlete at the practice field.
  • Facemasks are required for all RRHS sporting events and most other school meets.

Season Starts Jan 25th. Mon-Friday 2:45-4:15+/- @ RRHS Track. All forms due!

Conditioning Tues Jan 19th and Thurs Jan 21st. Track info meeting Wed Jan 20th after school at the track.

Parent Meeting: Wednesday, Jan 27, 6:00 PM

  • Meeting ID: 829 2870 3083
  • Passcode: 501739

Pictures: (T) March 10th, 2:30, @ track


  • Athletic participation fee: NLT Feb 11, 2021 $70 Mandatory
  • Please pay on line in acorn if possible, we will take a check if needed
  • Uniform Jersey, Shorts (only if they want to keep) $TBD +/- Opt.
  • Sponsor T-shirt $15+/- Encouraged
  • Warm ups jacket/sweats? $40+/- Opt

Transportation – Students will be required to provide their own transportation to almost all meets. We will ensure all athletes have rides (carpool etc) the day before the meet.

Fund Raising – The primary fund raisers are sponsorships on the Track Sponsor T-shirt and the “on-line” fundraiser. Funds will be used to cover track meet entry fees and track equipment. We also sell sponsor banners that can be displayed at the football field or gymnasium if interested.

Varsity, JV Determination – Most track events consist of 4 varsity athletes. However, some meets have “open” events that allow us to use “JV” athletes. We will make every effort to include as many athletes as possible at the meets and we may encourage athletes to compete in events that we have openings.

Meet schedule is still a work in progress. Meets are usually held after school – Class 3A – Region R2 – District D6

Tentative Track and Field Schedule

Feb 18, East Lake High School, Showtime TBD

Feb 26, Anclote High School, Showtime TBD

March 2, River Ridge High School, Showtime TBD

March 11, River Ridge High School, Showtime TBD

March 25East Lake High School2:00 Showtime, 2:30 Coaches mtg, 3:00 PM Start 

April 1, Conference Meet, Fivay High School, 2:45 Showtime, Coaches meeting 2:30, 3PM field event start, 4PM  4X800 and running events start.  $? Entry fee, Enter off 52 by the McDonalds and Canton Ave 

April 8, River Ridge High School, Showtime after school,  2:30 Coaches mtg, 3:00 PM Start field events, 3:30 4×800 and running events. $3 admission 

April 20, District Meet, Cypress Creek High School, Showtime 11AM, 11AM coaches meeting, 1130 4X800, 12 noon field events.  $5 parking, $6 entry fee 

Regionals TBD 

States TBD 

(TBD) To Be Determined

(T) Tentative