For all updates regarding school closures during the storm, please see our weather page.


Be a partner in Education! River Ridge High School Advisory Council is looking for new members. Want to be part of it?

Complete this Mach Form and we will send you all the information you need:

The School Board shall establish a School Advisory Council in each District school to serve in an advisory capacity to the school principal and to assist in the development of the educational programs and in the preparation and evaluation of the school improvement plan pursuant to Section 230.23(18), Florida Statutes. School advisory councils shall not assume any of the powers or duties now reserved by Florida Statutes for School Board or its administration or instructional staff.

SAC Meeting dates are as follows:

  • 8/3
  • 9/15
  • 10/20
  • 11/17
  • 12/8
  • 1/19
  • 2/16
  • 3/23
  • 4/20
  • 5/11