REGISTRATION DAY will be online. No lines and no wait at the school site! All students and families will access student schedules through their MyStudent account starting August 5, 2022. You will also pay all fees using your MyStudent Parent Portal! (fees include parking, class fees, discounted yearbooks, senior fees, lockers…)
For details visit: How to participate in Virtual Registration and Open House
OPEN HOUSE will be held on August 5th, 2022 from 1-4 pm. River Ridge High School teachers will be available in their classrooms. Students are invited to come to school, walk their schedules and meet their teachers! This event is being held in lieu of a traditional evening Open House.
Prior to the first day of school, parents can view their student’s schedule in their Pasco County Schools MyStudent Parent Portal. Access to the portal can be found here: Pasco Schools MyStudent Parent Portal Parent PINS for setting up an account were emailed to all families. Students will receive a finalized schedule on Wednesday, August 10, 2022, in their first-period class (If students are off campus, their schedule will be with the instructor listed next to the “Off-Campus Placeholder”). Students can check in their MyPascoConnect account for their first period class or check a master list of first period teachers, which will be posted by the cafeteria and front office windows. If your schedule says, “See Counselor” you will report to the front office during the period it is listed. All schedule change requests MUST go through the following link: Schedule Change Request
Lockers: Lockers can be purchased during your virtual registration. Students will be able to pick their locker during the first week of school in the cafeteria during lunches.
Bus Passes: Bus passes are located on your student’s schedule. All transportation concerns are handled directly by transportation. They can be reached at (727)774-0400. Many of your questions can be found here: Pasco County Schools Transportation FAQs
Breakfast/Lunch: Students will not be receiving free breakfast and lunch for the 2022-2023 school year. Please complete the free or reduced lunch application located here: Pasco County School’s Free/Reduced Lunch Application.
Yearbooks: Yearbooks can be purchased online for $50.00 through the second week of school. After August 26, 2022, the price increases throughout the year.
Parking: The application for parking can be found here: Student Parking for all student drivers.
RRHS Merchandise: Be sure to stop by the gym to pick up your Royal Swag on August 5th
Schoolwide Communication: Please be sure and bookmark our website and visit it frequently. This is where we will post ALL essential information. You will find a variety of resources for both students and parents. Also, be sure to check out our social media pages for exciting things happening at the Ridge!