The Board for the New Port Richey Chasco Fiesta would like to present all seniors exhibiting the qualities of a king or queen the opportunity to be recognized as the outstanding individuals they are. Those of royal quality display leadership, self-introspection, personal growth, compassion, ethics, innovation, action, and civic mindedness. We invite all seniors who feel they have these qualities to apply for the chance to be the next Junior King and Queen for the New Port Richey Chasco Fiesta.

Those who wish to apply must create an application including the following:

(Applications should be sent to Frank Grey at by December 1st)

  1. High School Transcripts.

(Grades will be considered but are not the most important factor).

  1. A multi-page essay in which you talk about the following.
    1. Why you would like this honor.
    2. What have you done for your community in the past?
    3. An achievable and actionable plan to make a unique change in the community.

All senior students in Pasco county will be eligible to be chosen to participate in a run-off. The number chosen for the run-off is entirely up to the board. These students will be expected to put their plan into action. Documenting and sharing their success with us as they go. Those who are the most successful will have the best chance of winning this honor.

Those who are chosen will be awarded the following:

  1. The chance to ride on a float for the Chasco Fiesta Street and Boat Parade.
  2. Tickets to any Chasco Fiesta Concert event of their choosing for the winners and 3 friends.
  3. Wristbands to the Chasco Fiesta Carnival for the winners and 3 friends.
  4. A $1000 dollar scholarship to help with college.
  5. A plaque and recognition at the event.
  6. A Chasco Fiesta T-shirt

Those who are runners up be awarded the following:

  1. A Chasco Fiesta T-Shirt.
  2. Tickets to any Chasco Fiesta Concert event of their choosing for them and 1 friend.
  3. Wristbands to the Chasco Fiesta Carnival for them and 1 friend.
  4. A plaque and recognition a the event