RRHS will administer a non-reportable ACT test on March 29, 30, 31, 2022 for juniors and seniors who have not met graduation requirements for testing. The opportunity to test is being offered only to juniors and seniors who have not passed their assessments for a reduced fee of $35.
This link https://rrhs.pasco.k12.fl.us/mform/edit_form.php?id=178701 provides Junior and Senior students, parents/guardians the option of choosing if their student will attend the school day test. Any family who chooses to pay/sign up their student for testing, should arrive at 7:10am on March 29, 30, 31 2022 in the media center. This mach form will close on March 9th at 3pm. Students must bring picture ID that can include a state issued driver’s license, passport, school issued ID, or state issued ID card. Students may not bring any electronic devices into the testing room nor may they bring backpacks, purses, or other bags.
To Pay The Fee: Go into the parent portal (same place you pay school/senior fees) and click on School Day ACT March 29,30,31. Add the fee to your cart and complete the payment. Once you have paid the fee, please upload a screenshot/copy of the paid receipt in the online application.
If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Sullivan