Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at


All paperwork and forms can be found in the Guidance Office. Please turn in completed forms in person, directly to the Guidance Office. For further questions, please contact Taylor LaRoue at

To access an award through the Bright Futures Program, a student must complete a program of community service work OR paid work, as approved by the school, which will require the student to identify a social problem that interests him or her, develop a plan for his or her personal involvement in addressing the problem, and through papers or other presentations, evaluate and reflect upon his or her experience. (Florida Statute 1009.534)

What is Community Service?

  • An altruistic, uncompensated volunteer effort that benefits the community and/or special populations

How do I ensure that my community service hours will be accepted?

  • Students complete a Community Service Proposal Form and submit it for approval to the Community Service Designee at the school site prior to beginning the service.
  • Students should keep copies of all documentation that is submitted to the schools.
  • Projects done during the summer before beginning 9th grade will be considered if a proposal is submitted and approved by the high school the student plans to attend.
  • Students must perform the service during non-school hours.
  • All community service hour documentation MUST be submitted by the school’s graduation date. Any community service hours submitted after the graduation date even if earned prior to graduation will not be accepted. No Exceptions.

Hours not acceptable for Community Service:

  • Family related activities or service to family members, defined as: parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, and spouses, including all step relations.
  • Hours that are compensated either financially or with some other material benefit (including grades).
  • Court mandated community service.
  • Service for the sole benefit of a religious house of worship and/or its congregation. Activities sponsored by these organizations that benefit the community (mission trips, community cleanup events, vacation Bible School) are acceptable for Bright Futures.
  • Co-curricular activities that are course requirements.
  • An activity where there is no leader or responsible adult on site to evaluate and confirm student performance.
  • Donations (ex. blood, Locks of Love, monetary contributions)
  • Hours submitted after graduation.

What is paid work experience?

  • Employment completed through a business with an established Federal ID number
  • Work hours completed after July 1, 2022, that are properly documented via pay stubs or a generated report

Community Service and Work Hours may be combined for the purpose of meeting Bright Futures requirements. Students electing to use work hours, or a combination of hours, must accrue a minimum of 100 hours regardless of the scholarship being pursued. Students electing to use Community Service hours only to meet eligibility requirements may follow the minimum number of hours as outlined in the Bright Futures Handbook.