Tryouts for the high school cheerleading team will be held May 24th and 25th in the gym from 1:30-5:00pm for incoming sophomores-seniors, and May 26th for incoming freshmen. All tryout materials/permissions/teacher recommendations/physical paperwork MUST be completed prior to tryouts. Cheer Tryout information packet 2023-2024
Sideline Chant: Knights Unite
Knights Unite
Let’s Go Purple
Let’s Go Black
Notes: You will not turn when you perform this chant in front of the judges. In the video, they turn to teach you the correct arms for the motions and words. At tryouts, you will face the front and go through the chant three times.
Cheer: Purple and Black
Knight fans, stand up get loud
Who’s the team that makes you proud
R.R.H.S. R.R.H.S
Knight fans, get on your feet
When we yell, you repeat
Purple and Black, Purple and Black
Purple and Black